Shetland inspired bespoke furniture pieces are handmade at Paparwark Furniture by designer Cecil Tait – who marries traditional craft techniques with innovative design to create unique wooden items for your home or workplace.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
"More than us" at Inverness
I was at a conference called 'more than us' a couple of week ago in Inverness. That included global warming, the need for more localised economies, discovering wildness and being much more in tune with the natural world. I am interested in making my business more environmentally friendly. At the moment we are able to recycle all our timber waste as either fire wood or the saw dust is used for composting in a tree nursery or animal bedding. We have also started to use local timber for furniture manufacture. The problem in Shetland is the lack of trees to use in furniture production. I have been working with the local Amenity trust to locate suitable trees from there small woodlands